The Big Sit is a unique way to bird watch inside a 17-foot diameter circle from 6:00 am until Noon for as long as you want. Bring a chair and enjoy watching, listening, counting and learning about birds that you see and hear. This is sometimes described as “a tailgate party for birders”. We will have spotting scopes set up and binoculars available to use. All levels of expertise are welcome. Anita Carpenter, avid birder and naturalist, will be there all morning to answer questions and help identify birds.
The birds are listed in the order seen.
The Big Sit is a unique way to bird watch inside a 17-foot diameter circle from 6:00 am until Noon for as long as you want. Bring a chair and enjoy watching, listening, counting and learning about birds that you see and hear. This is sometimes described as “a tailgate party for birders”. We will have spotting scopes set up and binoculars available to use. All levels of expertise are welcome. Anita Carpenter, avid birder and naturalist, will be there all morning to answer questions and help identify birds.
The birds are listed in the order seen.
2024 May 4
Total Count: 40 Red-winged Blackbird Mourning Dove Common Grackle Tree Swallow American Robin Double-crested Cormorant European Starling Forster's Tern Baltimore Oriole Herring Gull Mallard Warbling Vireo Wood Duck White Pelican American Crow Downy Woodpecker Canada Goose White-throated Sparrow Black-capped Chickadee House Sparrow 2023 May 6
Total Count: 40 Red-winged Blackbird Red-bellied Woodpecker Double-crested Cormorant Barn Swallow Forster's Tern White Pelican Wood Duck Common Grackle Mallard Ring-billed Gull Osprey American Crow American Robin Chipping Sparrow American Goldfinch Northern Cardinal Tree Swallow European Starling Red-breasted Nuthatch 2022 May 7
Total Count: 50 Canada Goose American Robin Red-winged Blackbird Northern Cardinal Ring-billed Gull Common Grackle Lesser Scaup Blue-winged Teal Northern Flicker Tree Swallow Downy Woodpecker Double-crested Cormorant Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Mallard Caspian Tern Wood Duck Baltimore Oriole Black-capped Chickadee Hairy Woodpecker White Pelican Orchard Oriole Great Blue Heron Barn Swallow Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Shoveler 2021 May 1
Total Count: 38 Mallard Chimney Swift Red-winged Blackbird Barn Swallow Tree Swallow Canada Goose Common Grackle Northern Shoveler American Robin Blue-winged Teal American Crow Bald Eagle Northern Flicker White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Wood Duck Belted Kingfisher Caspian Tern 2020 May 2
Total Count: 46 Northern Cardinal Red-winged Blackbird Mourning Dove White Pelican Common Grackle American Robin Double-crested Cormorant Canada Goose Mallard Bufflehead Belted Kingfisher Barn Swallow American Crow Blue-winged Teal Northern Shoveler Killdeer Tree Swallow Black-capped Chickadee Northern Flicker Blue Jay Chipping Sparrow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ring-billed Gull 2019
Total Count: 32 Double-crested Cormorant Red-winged Blackbird Canada Goose Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Downy Woodpecker White Pelican American Robin Blue Jay Barn Swallow Tree Swallow Northern Rough-wing Swallow Mallard Grackle Black-capped Chickadee American Crow 2018 Total Count: 42 Mallard Canada Goose Sandhill Crane Warbling Vireo Chipping Sparrow Herring Gull White Pelican Yellow-rumped Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Eastern Kingbird Am. Goldfinch Spotted Sandpiper Common Grackle Barn Swallow Ring-billed Gull Northern Cardinal Downy Woodpecker Mourning Dove Blue Jay Palm Warbler 2017
Total Count: 36 Double-crested Cormorant Canada Goose Ring-billed Gull Robin Red-winged Blackbird Tree Swallow Mallard White Pelican American Crow Mourning Dove Grackle Herring Gull Barn Swallow Brown-headed Cowbird White Breasted Nuthatch Northern Flicker Buffle Head Caspian Tern 2016
Total Count: 43 Palm Warbler Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Canada Goose White Pelican Tree Swallow Northern Shoveler White-breasted Nuthatch Red-winged Blackbird Common Grackle Double-crested Cormorant Mallard Brown-headed Cowbird Warblng Vireo American Robin Chimney Swift Baltimore Oriole Eastern Kingbird Great Blue Heron Yellow-rumpled Warbler Barn Swallow American Coot |
American Gold Finch Chimney Swift Sandhill Crane Killdeer Chipping Sparrow White-breasted Nuthatch Blue Jay Mourning Dove Belted Kingfisher Great Egret Catbird Palm Warbler Ruby-crowned Kinglet Redhead Duck House Finch Eastern Kingbird Common Loon European Starling Forster's Tern Herring Gull Sharp-shinned Hawk Common Merganser Osprey American Crow Purple Martin Black-capped Chickadee Common Loon Chipping Sparrow Great Egret Bufflehead Blue Jay Lesser Scaup Red-bellied Woodpecker Great Blue Heron Brown-headed Cowbird Starling Greater Scaup Cliff Swallow Eastern Kingbird Purple Martin Yellow-rumped Warbler Cooper's Hawk Herring Gull Eastern Bluebird Great Blue Heron American Goldfinch Bald Eagle Brown-headed Cowbird Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Forster’s Tern Warbling Vireo Osprey Sandhill Crane Downy Woodpecker Baltimore Oriole Black-crowned Night-Heron Caspian Tern House Finch Eastern Phoebe Palm Warbler Great Egret House Sparrow White-throated Sparrow European Starling Great Crested Flycatcher Northern Cardinal Bufflehead European Starling Chimney Swift Ruby-crowned Kinglet Cowbird Great Egret Osprey Forster's Tern Eastern Kingbird Hairy Woodpecker Purple Martin Caspian Tern White-breasted Nuthatch American Goldfinch Northern Flicker Northern Flicker American Coots Horned Grebe Tree Swallow House Sparrow Lesser Scaup Caspian Tern Chimney Swift Brown-headed Cowbird Forster's Tern Great Blue Heron Redhead Duck Bufflehead Duck Belted Kingfisher Black-capped Chickadee American Robin Pine Warbler Great Egret American Crow Harrier Wood Duck Downy Woodpecker Blue Jay Black-capped Chickadee Sandhill Crane Chipping Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Yellow-rumped Warbler Cooper's Hawk Cardinal Chimney Swift Starling Great Egret Common Merganser Red-bellied Woodpecker Purple Martin Spotted Sandpiper Bald Eagle Starling Chestnut-sided Warbler Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Great Egret Chipping Sparrow American Goldfinch American Crow Sandhill Crane Mourning Dove Downy Woodpecker Forster's Tern Scaup sp. Black-capped Chickadee House Sparrow Blue Jay Wood Duck Cardinal Northern Flicker Bonaparte's Gull Rose-breasted Grosbeak Cooper's Hawk |
Photo by Collections by Carol.
Photo by Jeff Weymier.
Total Count: 49 Downy Woodpecker Cooper's Hawk Starling Mourning Dove Ring-billed Gull White Pelican Common Crow Northern Flicker Canada Goose Mallard Double-crested Cormorant Red-winged Blackbird Robin Lesser Scaup Barn Swallow Chipping Sparrow Belted Kingfisher Brown-headed Cowbird Tree Swallow Chimney Swift White-breasted Nuthatch Northern Cardinal Pied-billed Grebe Rock Dove Orchard Oriole |
Herring Gull Chipping Sparrow Wood Duck Red-breasted Merganser Black Crowned Night Heron Brown Creeper Redhead Duck Eastern Bluebird Blue Jay Horned Grebe Ruddy Duck Belted Kingfisher Common Loon Cooper's Hawk Great Blue Heron Sandhill Crane House Finch Yellow-rumped Warbler Forster's Tern Downy Woodpecker Bonaparte's Gull Red-tailed Hawk Common Goldeneye Merlin |
Total Count: 54 Red-winged Blackbird Mallard Pied-billed Grebe Common Grackle American Goldfinch Canada Goose Ring-billed Gull Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Cardinal Starling Tree Swallow Double-crested Cormorant White Pelican American Coot Lesser Scaup Mourning Dove Northern Flicker American Robin Bufflehead Common Merganser American Crow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Black-capped Chickadee Barn Swallow In 2013 there were two circles. Anita Carpenter headed up the Big Sit situated to the east of Shelter #1 and closer to the lake. The second Big Sit was manned by Tom Ziebell, another excellent birder, and located to the west of the Shelter offering a view of Miller's Bay and with shorter trees. Last year's count was 70 bird species while the 2013 count was just shy of that at 68.
2013 - Anita's Circle
Total Count: 54 Canada Goose Lesser Scaup Mallard Northern Shoveler Redhead Ruddy Duck Wood Duck Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Pied-billed Grebe American White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Black-crowned Night Heron Great Blue Heron American Coot Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Bonaparte's Gull Herring Gull Ring-billed Gull Caspian Tern Forster's Tern Chimney Swift Downy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Red-bellied Woodpecker Blue Jay American Crow Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Purple Martin Tree Swallow Black-capped Chickadee White-breasted Nuthatch Ruby-crowned Kinglet Blue-gray Gnatcatcher American Robin European Starling Nashville Warbler* Orange-crowned Warbler* Palm Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow Warbler Chipping Sparrow Brown-headed Cowbird Common Grackle Baltimore Oriole Red-winged Blackbird American Goldfinch House Finch House Sparrow *2 birds in Anita's circle were not seen in Tom's circle. |
Red-bellied Woodpecker Warbler Vireo Herring Gull Blue Jay Cedar Waxwing Yellow-rumped Warbler Northern Shoveler Forster's Tern Redhead House Sparrow Black-throated Green Warbler Bonaparte's Gull Purple Martin Killdeer House Finch Baltimore Oriole Spotted Sandpiper Red-tailed Hawk Black-capped Chickadee Bald Eagle Eastern Kingbird Sharp-shinned Hawk Peregrine Falcon Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2013 - Tom's Circle Total Count: 66 Red-winged Blackbird Common Grackle Starling Brown-headed Cowbird Song Sparrow* White-throated Sparrow* Black-capped Chickadee Mallard Canada Goose Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck Lesser Scaup Bufflehead* Spotted Sandpiper Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Double-crested Cormorant American White Pelican Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe* American Robin Forster's Tern Black Crowned Night Heron Great Egret* Northern Flicker Redhead Duck Tree Swallow Yellow-bellied Sapsucker* Chipping Sparrow House Sparrow Great Blue Heron Chimney Swift Bonaparte's Gull Blue Jay Barn Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Downy Woodpecker Mourning Dove Caspian Tern Northern Shoveler House Finch Yellow-rumped Warbler American Coot American Goldfinch Ring-necked Duck* Northern Cardinal* Cooper's Hawk* Wood Duck Bald Eagle* Red-bellied Woodpecker Pine Siskin* Cliff Swallow Northern Oriole American Crow Rock Pigeon Killdeer Yellow Warbler Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Blue-winged Teal* Ruby-crowned Kinglet Canvasback Duck* Purple Martin Palm Warbler White-breasted Nuthatch Black-throated Green Warbler* *14 birds in Tom's circle were not seen in Anita's circle. |
2012 - Anita's Circle
Listed in order seen - Total Count: 38 Mallard Canada Goose Ring-billed Gull White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Warbling Vireo Cedar Waxwing Eastern Kingbird Starling Red-winged Blackbird Northern Cardinal Robin Tree Swallow Great Egret American Crow Common Grackle Pied-billed Grebe* Great Blue Heron Lesser Scaup Bonaparte's Gull Barn Swallow American Goldfinch Brown-headed Cowbird Lesser Yellowlegs* Purple Martin Mourning Dove Herring Gull American Coot Black-crowned Night Heron Cooper's Hawk Killdeer Blue Jay Forster's Tern Yellow-rumped Warbler Red-bellied Woodpecker Belted Kingfisher* Caspian Tern White-breasted Nuthatch* *4 birds in Anita's circle were not seen in Tom's circle. 2011 Birds Listed in order seen
Total count: 47 Great Egret White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Mallard Canada Goose Ring-billied Gull Tree Swallow Chimney Swift Robin Red-winged Blackbird Starling Crow American Coot Brown-headed Cowbird Downy Woodpecker House Finch Barn Swallow Common Grackle Cooper's Hawk Forster's Tern Blue Jay American Goldfinch Baltimore Oriole Northern Flicker Black-capped Chickadee Red-bellied Woodpecker Yellow-headed Blackbird Black-crowned Night Heron Mourning Dove Chipping Sparrow House Sparrow Northern Cardinal Eastern Kingbird Belted Kingfisher Herring Gull Blue-winged Teal Song Sparrow Lesser Scaup Spotted Sandpiper Bonaparte's Gull Common Loon Cliff Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Northern Mockingbird Purple Martin Red-tailed Hawk Palm Warbler White Breasted Nuthatch |
2012 - Tom's Circle
Listed in order seen - Total Count: 66 Northern Oriole Red-winged Blackbird Herring Gull Ring-billed Gull Robin Double-crested Cormorant White Pelican Nashville Warbler Eastern Kingbird Northern Cardinal Canada Goose Warbling Vireo Yellow-rumped Warbler Barn Swallow Tree Swallow Black-crowned Night Heron Great Egret Lesser Scaup Common Grackle Northern Parula Northern Rough-winged Swallow Mallard Cliff Swallow Chipping Sparrow Chimney Swift Ovenbird Palm Warbler Great Crested Flycatcher Great Blue Heron Spotted Sandpiper American Coot Rosebreasted Grosbeak House Finch Bonaparte's Gull Blackcapped Chickadee American Goldfinch Brown-headed Cowbird Starling Wilson's Warbler Caspian Tern Cedar Waxwing Northern Shoveler American Crow Ruddy Duck Forster's Tern Golden-winged Warbler Cooper's Hawk Black-throated Green Warbler Cape May Warbler Downy Woodpecker Greater Yellowlegs Purple Martin Mourning Dove Rock Pigeon House Sparrow House Wren Killdeer Black & White Warbler Yellow Warbler Flicker Blackburnian Warbler Song Sparrow Brown Creeper Blue Jay Red-bellied Woodpecker Blue-winged Teal |